- Opening Hymn: #101 “O Jesus Crowned with all Renown”
- Venite w/Easter Antiphon at the beginning (pp8-9 in the BCP; p325 in St. Dunstan’s)
- Psalm: 67 (pp418-419 in the BCP; pp85-86 in St. Dunsan’s)
- OT Lesson: OT Lesson: Ezekiel 34:25-end
- 1st Canticle: Te Deum (pp10-11 in the BCP; pp351-352 in St. Dunstan’s)
- NT Lesson: NT Lesson: James 1:22-end (i.e. the Epistle for this week, p176 in the BCP)
- 2nd Canticle: Benedictus (p14 in the BCP, p397 in St. Dunstan’s)
- Collect: Rogation Sunday (pp 175-176 in the BCP)
- Closing Hymn: 289 “O God Our Help in Ages Past”