We continue our series on an Anglican rule of life with a second week on the Offices, this time focusing on the theology behind the offices and the use of Scripture.
Previous Classes:
Week 1: Introducing a Rule of Life
Week 2: The Offices (Part 1)
Links to the Documents mentioned:
J.I. Packer’s “Gospel in the Liturgy https://www.ivpress.com/Media/Default…
“A Companion to Morning Prayer” https://www.ivpress.com/Media/Default…
1662ie Pointed Psalter/Canticles: https://www.ivpress.com/Media/Default…
St. Dunstan’s & Neale’s Hymnal from Lancelot Andrewes Press
Hardcover Psalter: https://andrewespress.com/st-dunstans…
Flexcover Psalter: https://andrewespress.com/st-dunstans…
Neale Reprint: https://andrewespress.com/john-mason-…
Neale Scan: https://books.google.com/books?id=2E3…
Bible & Office Apps:
Faith Comes by Hearing (Bible App): https://www.faithcomesbyhearing.com/a…
Cradle of Prayer (1928): https://cradleofprayer.org
Rev. Tarsitano from Trinity Connorsville (1662): https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh…
2019 ACNA https://www.dailyoffice2019.com