Today is the fourth Sunday in Lent, often called Laetare Sunday, from the Latin word for “Rejoice,” which comes from today’s traditional Introit, which consists of texts we read as our Old Testament Lesson from Isaiah 66 and from the Psalm we recited today, number 122: Rejoice ye with Jerusalem: and be ye glad for…
March 18, 2020 An Urgent Directive to the Clergy and Congregations of the Anglican Diocese of the West: Mandatory Suspension of Church Gatherings — From: The Rt Rev’d Dr Felix Orji, OSB ECCK “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God….
In light of the COVID-19 quarantines, we discuss home worship for Sunday mornings. The Books of Homilies can be found here. Additional historic Homilies related to the historic lectionary can be found here.
Dear Members and Friends of All Saints, Today I received some additional instructions from our Bishop on things to consider during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. In his message he reminded us of our duty to obey the local authorities in their instructions. Earlier this afternoon, San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg issued a restriction on gatherings…
Dear Members and Friends of All Saints, Please be advised that we will continue to have our regularly scheduled services at 9am and 11:15am on Sunday mornings as well as our regular Wednesday evening services at 7:15pm. We will, however, be adjusting our method of distributing communion in line with Diocesan and Provincial directions in…
We continue our study of Judges with the famous story of Deborah, Barak, Sisera, and Jael. Week 1: Background, Introduction, and Conquest Week 2: Idolatry and Conquest Week 3: Oops, they did it Again Week 4: Protection Money Hat tip for the title to Anne Kennedy’s snarky devotional
Text: Luke 11:14-28 , Deuteronomy 6:1-9, 20-25; Ephesians 5: 1-14 As most of you know, several of us from All Saints and our sister parishes Three Streams and Covenant Anglican Churches began this year’s Lent on pilgrimage in the Holy Land, following the footsteps of our Lord. This was not my first time to Israel;…
Our parish has been honored to be the first one featured in a parish profiles series at the North American Anglican. Enjoy!