Texts: Isaiah 9:2-7, Hebrews 1:1-9, John 1:1-14 Father Marcus is fond of reminding me of a friendly debate he and I once had over whether Christmas or Easter deserves primacy in our liturgical celebrations. In fact, you may recall if you were here at the early service on Sunday or listened to our podcast in…
The All Saints Choir presents A Service of Nine Lessons and Carols. December 22, 2019.
A guest homily by Fr. Marcus Tinajero, our assisting priest.
In which we discuss the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and the significance of the Shepherds in the Nativity and in the Old Testament. Week 1: The Virgin Birth and the Annunciation Week 2: The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Elizabeth
Text: Matthew 11:2-10 You may have seen a silly meme floating around Social Media this month, in which there’s a shot of a stern-looking John the Baptist as portrayed in one of the 1970’s-era Jesus movies, captioned with the words, “Happy Advent, you brood of vipers!” in a rather angry red font. Like that meme,…
In which we discuss the significance Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Elizabeth, the Magnificat, and the Song of Hannah in 1 Samuel. Week 1: The Virgin Birth and the Annunciation
The final class in our series on the Articles of Religion. We complete our discussion on Article XXXVI – XXXIX, discussing the Ordinal, the authority of the civil magistrate, and property rights. Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8 Week 4: Articles 9-15 Week 5: Articles 15-16 Week 6: Article…
[the infographic from Crossway] Text: Romans 15:4-8 I was blessed to be raised in a Christian home that valued Bible reading. As a child, my mother read a chapter of the Old Testament, a chapter of the New Testament, a Psalm, and a chapter of Proverbs to us each day. My father’s custom of the…
We discuss Isaiah’s prophecy and the fulfillment in the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary
In which we discuss Articles XXXV and XXXVI of the 39 Articles of Religion, regarding the two Books of Homilies, the Ordinal, and the relationship of the various Provinces of the Anglican Communion. Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8 Week 4: Articles 9-15 Week 5: Articles 15-16 Week 6:…