“God could have bestowed these things on us without our prayers, but he wished that by our prayers we should be taught from where those benefits come.” -St. Augustine The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. This is to remind you that tomorrow, November 6, is our monthly day of fasting…

In which we continue our discussion about the Lord’s Supper as we discuss Articles XXVIII, XXIX, and XXX, “Of the Lord’s Supper,” “Of the Wicked Which Eat Not the Body of Christ in the Use of the Lord’s Supper,” and “Of Both Kinds” Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8…

Forty-two years ago, on the Sunday in the Octave of All Saints, our parish was held its first service. From what I understand, that founding date is the reason our parish was named All Saints. Since All Saints is one of the major feasts of the Church, and because of our parish history, we’re going…

From 2018: a two-part series from Christian Education discussing Halloween. See Steven Wedgeworth’s articles at https://calvinistinternational.com/018/10/03/what-should-christians-think-about-Halloween/ and https://calvinistinternational.com/2013/10/30/Halloween-creation-recreation/

Text: Ephesians 5:22-33 My father was a career sailor in the United States Navy, spending the majority of his career as a Chief Petty Officer. CPOs make up the lion’s share of the management ranks in our nation’s fleet. They know how to give orders and how to take orders. They know how to lead…

In which we continue our discussion of Article XXVIII by defining the boundaries of the Lord’s Supper and discussing worthy reception of it. Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8 Week 4: Articles 9-15 Week 5: Articles 15-16 Week 6: Article 17 Week 7: Articles 18-20 Week 8: Articles 21-22…

In which we continue our discussion of sacramental theology in the 39 Articles of Religion as we discuss the Sacrament of Baptism, and introduce the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Articles 27-28.   Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8 Week 4: Articles 9-15 Week 5: Articles 15-16 Week 6: Article…

Text: Ephesians 5:1-21 One of the most rewarding and terrifying aspects of being a father is watching my children imitate me. On the one hand, it is flattering to see my daughters use my mannerisms. And it is gratifying to see them learn the liturgy from me. On the other hand, it’s convicting to see…

In which we discuss Articles 25 and 26 of the 39 Articles of Religion, discussing Anglican sacramental theology, and effect on the sacraments of unworthy ministers.   Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8 Week 4: Articles 9-15 Week 5: Articles 15-16 Week 6: Articles 17 Week 7: Articles 18-20…

Text: Ephesians 4:17-32 Even though we are sons of the Reformation, we Anglicans have always had a high regard for the Church Fathers and the received tradition of the first few centuries of the Church. In fact, as a priest, people often ask me for advice in starting to read them. I usually point to…

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