Fr. Isaac was asked to put this video together for our diocese, especially for the Lay Catechists and Deacons who are planting churches.
4 October, 2019 “You are not being ordained to run soup kitchens, fight against fake man-made climate change, agitate against immigration policy or issue screeds against gun violence. Preparing your parishioners for eternal life is your calling, your sacred duty..” -Michael Voris The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Thank you…
In which we discuss Articles 23-25, “Of Ministering in the Congregation,” “Of Speaking in the Congregation in Such a Tongue as the People Understandeth,” and an introduction to “Of the Sacraments.” Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8 Week 4: Articles 9-15 Week 5: Articles 15-16 Week 6: Article 17…
Text: Ephesians 4:1-16 I have very few memories of my childhood before the birth of my little sister. Mostly, I have vague images and the general feeling of Something Changing when the baby was born. I do have one particular memory that largely sticks out because of how embarrassing it is to think about in…
Text: Ephesians 3:14-22 One of the effects of modernity, the cultural sea in which we all swim, is disenchantment of the world. We tend to distrust what we cannot see. We tend to be overly rational, even when it is irrational to be hyper-rational! In such an environment, we can fall into the temptation of…
In which we discuss Articles XXI and XXII of the 39 Articles of Religion, including the authority of “general councils,” and various points in which the Reformers and the Roman Catholic Church disagreed. Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8 Week 4: Articles 9-15 Week 5: Articles 15-16 Week 6:…
The House of Bishops of the Church of Nigeria(Anglican Communion) has elected a new Primate during our episcopal Synod held yesterday at the Cathedral Church of St. Peter in Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria. The Primate-elect is the Most Rev’d Henry Ndukuba. Currently, he is the Bishop of Gombe and the Archbishop of the ecclesiastical Province…
In which we discuss Article XVIII “Of Salvation in Christ Alone,” Article XIX “Of the Church,” and Article XX “The Authority of the Church.” We discuss the exclusivity of Christianity and Christ, the universality of Christianity, the nature of the Church, the ways in which we all need reform, and the nature of and limits…
Text: Ephesians 2:11-22 My mother is one of those wonderful folks who never knew a time when she was not a Christian. She was raised in the Church, in a devout family. From her earliest memories she was reading the bible or having the bible read to her. She tells a funny story about a…
A Guest Homily by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Felix C. Orji. Text: Ephesians 2:1-10. Part 1: “The Family Secret” (Eph 1:1-14) Part 2: “Remembering you in my Prayers” (Eph 1:15-23)