We begin a new mini-series where we interview the Most Reverend Peter Robinson, Presiding Bishop of the United Episcopal Church of North America (UECNA). We begin our conversation with a discussion of some history of the Coninuing Anglican movement in the United States and England.

Romans Chapter 15 – Paul’s Ministry • The Example of Christ (15.1-7) • Christ the Hope of Jews and Gentiles (15.8-13) • Paul the Minister to the Gentiles (15.14-21) • Paul’s Plan to Visit Rome (15.22-32) Prior Classes in this Series Week 1: Introduction, Overview, & Thesis Statement Week 2: The Wrath of God on…

Text: Matthew 6:24-34 The bible’s relationship to wealth and money is a very complex one indeed. In the Old Testament, we often see wealth as a sign that someone is blessed by God, typically because of his righteousness. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the three Patriarchs in Genesis, are great examples of this. Throughout their stories…

Christian Judgement and the Weaker Brother (Romans 14.1-23) • The issue: What do you do when your brother says you’re sinning and you’re not? • Do Not Pass Judgement on One Another (14.1-12) • Do Not Cause Another to Stumble (14.13-23) • What is judgement in this context (i.e. judging each other)? Prior Classes in…

You may recall that last week’s Gospel lesson was the parable of the Good Samaritan. This is, of course, one of the most famous of our Lord’s teachings. Indeed, to most English speakers the concept of a Samaritan is so entwined with this parable that we often automatically think “Good Samaritan” when we hear the…

Practical Christian Living: Before Outsiders (Romans 13.1-14) • Submission to the Authorities (13.1-7) • Fulfilling the Law Through Love (13.8-14) Prior Classes in this Series Week 1: Introduction, Overview, & Thesis Statement Week 2: The Wrath of God on Unrighteousness Week 3: Judgement and God’s Law Week 4: Righteousness by Faith Week 5: Faith and…

(And Concluding the Israel Discussion) Romans 11.25-12.21 • The Mystery of Israel’s Salvation (11.25-39) • Practical Christian Living: Chapters 12-16 • A Living Sacrifice (12.1-2) • Gifts of Grace (12.3-8) • Marks of the True Christian (12.9-21) Prior Classes in this Series Week 1: Introduction, Overview, & Thesis Statement Week 2: The Wrath of God…

Text: 2 Corinthians 3:4-11 A few years ago, I came across a psychological term that was instantly relatable: “imposter syndrome.” Imposter syndrome is a sense of self doubt in which you feel like a fake or a phony, despite your objective abilities or experiences. Perhaps you’re surrounded by your professional colleagues and deep-down feel like…

Prior Installments in this Class Series: Week 1: Overview of the Formularies and the BCP Week 2: The Offices of Instruction and the Catechism Week 3: The Gospel in the Prayer Book Week 4: The Trinity and Scriptures (Articles 1-8) Week 5: The Doctrines of Salvation (Articles 9-18) Week 6: The Church (Articles 19-24) Week…

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