Texts: The Offertory Sentences from the BCP Christians are often surprised to discover how much the bible talks about money. By one statistic I found, there are approximately 2,350 verses concerning money, which is almost twice as many verses as those on faith and prayer combined. Though I don’t particularly like to preach on…

Text: Matthew 9:18-26 The Christian life is both one of assurance and repentance. Throughout the Scriptures and our liturgy, we are assured of God’s love and mercy towards us. In the Sacraments, we have “effective signs and seals” of God’s grace and promises towards us. But we are also always reminded that we have a…

Now that we’re firmly in November, I trust everyone is looking forward to Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving is one of two uniquely American observations that are part of our 1928 Book of Common Prayer. As is our local custom, we will have Communion for Thanksgiving on the night before at 6:30pm. We all have our family…

In this episode we are joined by the Ven. Andrew Brashier to discuss his new republication of Alexander Nowell’s Middle Catechism. Note: in the introduction, I mistakenly referred to Nowell as “Bishop Nowell.” Nowell was a Dean, but never a bishop. Ven. Brashier’s new edition of the middle catechism can be bought here: https://a.co/d/fhI3WIe

Text: Matthew 18:21-end. As most of you know, I recently went on my first pilgrimage to Greece to follow in the footsteps of St. Paul’s early missions. In a couple of weeks, I’ll have a slideshow for you in the Sunday School hour, but for now, I’ll whet your appetite by listing a few things…

From Lillie Ammann, for Clergy Appreciation Month Thank You, Men of God

Most people consider their wedding day to be one of the grandest, most memorable, most important days of their lives. That certainly is my own experience. I remember my last meal as a single man (pizza, of course). I remember my best man furiously scouring the Internet for gluten-free cake options when after Heather got…

We conclude our interview with Bp. Robinsion discussing theological education, the Articles of Religion, some more history, and Ceremonial. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4  

We continue our interview with Bp. Peter Robinsion. In this installment we discuss liturgical revision in the 19th and 20th centuries and how high churchmanship evolved into central churchmanship with the rise of the Tractarian movement. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

We continue our interview with the Most Reverend Peter Robinson, Presiding Bishop of the UECNA. In this installment we discuss Bp. Robinson’s list of Anglicanism’s Centre of Gravity: 1. The Holy Scriptures 2. The Two Dominical Sacraments 3. The Three Creeds – Apostles’, Nicene, Athanasian 4. Episcopal Polity 5. The first Four Councils 6. The…

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