We continue our series on the relationship between Israel and the Church and between the Old and New Testaments with a discussion of OT worship, the Synagogue System, and how it evolves into the Church’s worship.   Week 1: Introduction Week 2: Two Perspectives

Opening Hymn: #159 “Jam Lucis Orto Sidere” (1940 Hymnal) Morning Prayer Begins on Page 3, 1928 BCP Venite (Page 9, BCP; Page 325, St. Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter) Psalm 73 (Page 428, BCP; Page 98, Psalter) 1st Lesson: Jeremiah 23:23-32 1st Canticle: Te Deum (Page 10, BCP; Page 351, Psalter) 2nd Lesson: 1 John 4:7-21 (Page…

We continue our discussion of the relationship between Israel and the Church and between the Old and New Testaments with contrasting the way the Fathers approached Scripture with the way Dispensationalism approaches Scripture, and how that affects their respective understandings of the relationship between Israel and the Church Week 1: Introduction

QUICUNQUE VULT WHOSOEVER will be saved: before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholic Faith. Which Faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled: without doubt he shall perish everlastingly. And the Catholic Faith is this: That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; Neither confounding the Persons:…

Opening Hymn: #266 “Holy, Holy, Holy” Holy Communion: pp. 67-71, BCP Collect of the Day: Trinity Sunday, p. 186, BCP For the Epistle: Revelation 4:1ff p. 186, BCP Gospel: John 3:1ff pp. 187, BCP A Bidding Prayer: pp. 47-48, BCP One or More Collects: pp. 49-50, BCP Blessing/Benediction: p. 84, BCP Closing Hymn: #275 “Thou…

A Statement By Bishop Felix Orji, OSB In my role as the Bishop of  the Anglican Diocese of the West, I join the voices of many Christians and leaders to condemn all forms of racism, injustice, discrimination, police brutality, and the wanton violence that is vandalizing and destroying property, lives, and infrastructure in our country…

We begin our Christian Education series on the relationship between Israel and the Church and between the Old and New Testaments, “Continuity and Covenant.” This week Fr. Isaac shares his background in the Messianic Movement and gives a brief introduction to ways of approaching Scripture from perspectives of Continuity and Discontinuity. Below are the video…

Opening Hymn: #107 “Hail Thee Festival Day” Morning Prayer: Begins on p. 5, BCP Venite w/Whitsunday Antiphon: pp. 8-9, BCP (pp. 324-325, St. Dunstan’s) Psalm 145: pp. 520-521, BCP (pp. 209-211, St. Dunstan’s) 1st Lesson: Joel 2:28-32 1st Canticle: Te Deum pp. 10-11, BCP (pp. 351-352, St. Dunstan’s) 2nd Lesson: Acts 2:1-11 pp. 180-181, BCP…

Opening Hymn: #352 “Crown Him with Many Crowns” Morning Prayer: Begins on p. 5, BCP Venite w/Ascension Antiphon: pp. 8-9, BCP (pp. 324-325, St. Dunstan’s) Psalm 24: pp. 368-369, BCP (pp. 28-29, St. Dunstan’s) 1st Lesson: Isaiah 33:5-6, 17, 20-22 1st Canticle: Te Deum pp. 10-11, BCP (pp. 351-352, St. Dunstan’s) 2nd Lesson: John 15:26-16:4…

Opening Hymn: #101 “O Jesus Crowned with all Renown” Venite w/Easter Antiphon at the beginning (pp8-9 in the BCP; p325 in St. Dunstan’s) Psalm: 67 (pp418-419 in the BCP; pp85-86 in St. Dunsan’s) OT Lesson: OT Lesson: Ezekiel 34:25-end 1st Canticle: Te Deum (pp10-11 in the BCP; pp351-352 in St. Dunstan’s) NT Lesson: NT Lesson:…

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