This Sunday, we will spend our Sunday School hour “beating the bounds” in procession as we celebrate Rogation Sunday. Our friends at the Homely Hours have a great article explaining…

In which we conclude our study of W.H. Griffith-Thomas’ book, Methods of Bible Study, discussing why we need a bible for knowledge and a bible for power. Week 1 Week…

We regularly post our homilies and teachings (and occasionally some other stuff) on the parish podcast, All Saints Homilies and Teachings.  Here is the most recent list of platforms on…

We begin the Sacraments section in the catechism for the Anglican Diocese of the West, based off of the classical BCP Catechism. Today we define sacraments and begin our discussion…

May 12, 2019 Dear Mothers, On this Mother’s Day, I wish all mothers in the Diocese of the West and every where a wonderful and happy Mother’s Day. Sometimes you…

Text: John 16:16-22 Though I grew up with the folk-masses of post-Vatican-II Roman Catholicism and Episcopalianism, I have come to love hymns and hymnals. For a musician, pastor, and theology…

In which we discuss Chapter 12 of WH Griffith-Thomas’ “Methods of Bible Study,” and talk about the object or goal of bible study, touching on text criticism, literary criticism, exegesis,…

We finish up the Lord’s Prayer with a discussion of temptation and evil, and introduce the Catechism’s sacramental theology. The Catechism Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week…

In case you missed it, here are a few pieces of interest regarding current events in the Anglican/GAFCON world: Bishop Orji’s statements on the agreement between ACNA and the Church…

In which we discuss petitions 2-5 of the Lord’s Prayer, including a discussion on why we pray for things that God has already promised to give us. The Catechism Week…

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