Note: the audio cut off at 1 hour, so we lost the last verse or two of the recessional and the dismissal. Please accept our apologies.

A discussion of the Prayer of St. Chrysostom and the Grace from Morning Prayer, a Summary review of using Morning Prayer in devotions, and the Family Prayer morning section from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.

Text: Romans 15:4-13 Today, the Second Sunday in Advent, is often called “Bible Sunday” in Anglican circles due to the theme articulated in our Collect (page 92 in the Prayer Book): Blessed Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning; Grant that we may in such wise hear them, read,…

Texts: Romans 13:8ff, Matthew 21:1ff In this part of Texas, by the time we get to the first Sunday in December, most of our neighbors are in full Christmas mode. Lights and trees are up, the airwaves are full of new and old covers of Christmas carols, and we’ve all put on about five pounds!…

Our own Lillie Ammann has penned this year’s Advent Devotional! You can download it here.

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