Text: Jeremiah 23:5-9, 29:4-7 Today is the “Sunday Next Before Advent,” which is often informally called “Stir Up Sunday” in Anglican circles. The most obvious reason for this is today’s Collect, which begins with the phrase, “Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people.” But in England and some of…

Text: Matthew 24:23-28 When I was six or seven years old, my mother gave me my first real bible. Not a picture bible. Not a kid’s story book. A real bible. Yes, it was marketed to children, but the only thing that made it different from any other New American Bible published in the early…

Text: Revelation 7:2-15 Today is the Sunday in the Octave of All Saints, when we celebrate the Feast of All Saints. Those of you who attended our midweek discipleship or listened to the audio podcast of the class on Christianity and Halloween last month may recall that All Saints is one of the younger feast…

Steven Wedgeworth’s articles referenced: Halloween: Its Creation and Recreation What Should Christians Think About Halloween?

Today we have one of those special Sundays when one of our Red-Letter Feast Days falls on an ordinary Sunday. In the Anglican Tradition, the Red-Letter days are the major feasts of the Church commemorating biblical figures and events. The Black-Letter days are the minor feasts and fasts commemorating other figures and events from Church…

A discussion of the Canticles that follow the New Testament Lesson in Morning Prayer according to the 1928 BCP, as well as a rabbit trail discussion on the Anglican perspective on Purgatory.

In which we discuss the Te Deum Laudimus,  the Benedictus, Dominus Dei, and the Benedicite, Omnia Opera

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