In which we discuss Christ’s Resurrection, the Holy Ghost, and the Canon of Scripture. Week 1

We begin a new series today, looking at the 39 Articles of Religion. Today’s lesson discussed the history of the Articles, and Discussed Articles 1-3, Concerning the Holy Trinity, Of the Word or Son of God, and of Christ’s Descent into Hell.

We finish up our discussion of the Apostles’ Creed from our diocesan catechism. We discuss the Communion of Saints, the Resurrection of the Body, and the Life Everlasting. Amen. The Catechism Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Quicunque Vult – The Athanasian Creed (~AD 500)   Whosoever…

We continue our Class on our Diocesan Catechism with a discussion on adult converts and catechesis, the doctrine of election, and godparents. Week 1 The Catechism

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