Audio from our discussion on the Venite and other Opening Canticles in Morning Prayer

For those who don’t know him, John Mack is our parish postulant who has just started seminary at Nashotah House in Wisconsin. I highly recommend his blog as a way of keeping in touch.  His latest post, an honest and snarky piece in praise of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer can be found here….

Note: the slides for this class begin on #13.

A how-to video on chanting the Holy Communion service music, especially in a capella settings.

Opening Hymn: #158 “O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright” Psalms: 35-36 OT Lesson: 2 Samuel 18:1-18 NT Lesson: Luke 13:10-End Homily Text: “Of the Salvation of Mankind” from the 1st Book of Homilies, 1547 Closing Hymn #159 “Now that the Daylight Fills the Sky”

Text: Galatians 5:16-25 When my Abuelita died ten years ago, my parents moved a peach tree from her property to theirs. Truth be told, it hardly qualified to be called a tree! It was maybe two feet high, had no branches, no leaves, and certainly no peaches. It really looked more like my parents were…

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