We conclude last week’s discussion on the Propers with a few case studies on the themes of the Propers. We then discuss the cycle of Feasting and Fasting in the Book of Common Prayer. Week 1: History and a Bird’s-Eye View Week 2: Morning Prayer Week 3: Evening Prayer, Family Prayer, and the Great Litany…

According to the American 1928 Book of Common Prayer, 1940 Hymnal, and St. Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter Opening Hymn: #415 “Jesus, Lover of my Soul” Morning Prayer Begins on Page 3, BCP Venite (Page 9, BCP; Page 325, St. Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter) Psalms 102:15-end (Page 465, BCP; Page 141, Psalter); 146 (Page 522, BCP; Page 211,…

  We discuss the Eucharistic Lectionary, its development and use, both in the historic 1-year form and the modern 3-year form. Week 1: History and a Bird’s-Eye View Week 2: Morning Prayer Week 3: Evening Prayer, Family Prayer, and the Great Litany Week 4: Holy Communion and Regula

We discuss Martin Thornton’s idea of the Book of Common Prayer as a Regula (i.e. Rule of Life) and Abp. Cranmer’s threefold triad of Sin, Grace, and Faith in Holy Communion Week 1: History and a Bird’s-Eye View Week 2: Morning Prayer Week 3: Evening Prayer, Family Prayer, and the Great Litany

We follow up on last week’s class on Morning Prayer with a discussion of Evening Prayer, Family Prayer, and the Litany with a focus on using these resources in personal devotions. Week 1: History and a Bird’s-Eye View Week 2: Morning Prayer

We discuss the service of Morning Prayer and using the Lectionary. Week 1: History and a Bird’s Eye View

According to the American 1928 Book of Common Prayer, 1940 Hymnal, and St. Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter. Homily by Mr. John Mack, Seminarian at Nashotah House Opening Hymn: #159 “Now that the Daylight Fills the Sky” Morning Prayer Begins on Page 3, BCP Venite (Page 9, BCP; Page 325, St. Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter) Psalm 119:33-48 (Page…

Opening Hymn: #301 “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” Morning Prayer Begins on Page 3, BCP Venite (Page 9, BCP; Page 325, St. Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter) Psalm 16 (Page 357, BCP; Page 15, Psalter) 1st Lesson: Isaiah 57:13b-19 1st Canticle: Te Deum (Page 10, BCP; Page 351, Psalter) 2nd Lesson: Romans 6:3-11 (Page 197, BCP) 2nd…

  In the final class on our series on the relationship between Israel and the Church and between the Old and New Testaments, we look at some specific passages from Scripture and from the Articles to tie our content together.   Week 1: Introduction Week 2: Two Points of View Week 3: Development of Worship…

Opening Hymn: #144 “Lord God We Worship Thee” Morning Prayer Begins on Page 3, BCP Venite (Page 9, BCP; Page 325, St. Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter) Psalm 18:1-20 (Page 359, BCP; Page 18, Psalter) 1st Lesson: Deuteronomy 10:17-21 (Page 263, BCP) 1st Canticle: Te Deum (Page 10, BCP; Page 351, Psalter) 2nd Lesson: Matthew 5:43-47 (Page…

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