We discuss Isaiah’s prophecy and the fulfillment in the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary
In which we finish our discussion of Article XXXIV, discussing Prayer Book Revision, Rites and Ceremonies, and the Authority of the Church. Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8 Week 4: Articles 9-15 Week 5: Articles 15-16 Week 6: Article 17 Week 7: Articles 18-20 Week 8: Articles 21-22 Week…
In which we continue our discussion about the Lord’s Supper as we discuss Articles XXVIII, XXIX, and XXX, “Of the Lord’s Supper,” “Of the Wicked Which Eat Not the Body of Christ in the Use of the Lord’s Supper,” and “Of Both Kinds” Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8…
Text: Ephesians 5:22-33 My father was a career sailor in the United States Navy, spending the majority of his career as a Chief Petty Officer. CPOs make up the lion’s share of the management ranks in our nation’s fleet. They know how to give orders and how to take orders. They know how to lead…
In which we continue our discussion of Article XXVIII by defining the boundaries of the Lord’s Supper and discussing worthy reception of it. Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8 Week 4: Articles 9-15 Week 5: Articles 15-16 Week 6: Article 17 Week 7: Articles 18-20 Week 8: Articles 21-22…
Fr. Isaac was asked to put this video together for our diocese, especially for the Lay Catechists and Deacons who are planting churches.
In which we discuss Articles 23-25, “Of Ministering in the Congregation,” “Of Speaking in the Congregation in Such a Tongue as the People Understandeth,” and an introduction to “Of the Sacraments.” Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8 Week 4: Articles 9-15 Week 5: Articles 15-16 Week 6: Article 17…
In which we discuss Articles XXI and XXII of the 39 Articles of Religion, including the authority of “general councils,” and various points in which the Reformers and the Roman Catholic Church disagreed. Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8 Week 4: Articles 9-15 Week 5: Articles 15-16 Week 6:…
In which we discuss Article XVIII “Of Salvation in Christ Alone,” Article XIX “Of the Church,” and Article XX “The Authority of the Church.” We discuss the exclusivity of Christianity and Christ, the universality of Christianity, the nature of the Church, the ways in which we all need reform, and the nature of and limits…
Note: the following was adapted from three posts on the BCP and Work originally published on our website in September of 2014. In light of the Labor Day holiday, I thought it would be timely to discuss what the Book of Common Prayer has to say about work and labor. With the obvious exception of the Holy Bible, there is…