Text: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 One of the earliest heresies in Church History was called “Marcionism.” Marcion was a 2nd Century teacher who is best known for the idea that the God of the Old Testament was an inferior, wicked god, but the God of the New Testament, the Father of Jesus, was a superior, good…

In which we discuss the Old Testament and the Ecumenical Creeds. Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6

Today is the First Sunday After Trinity, when we begin this second half of the Church Year, in which the focus shifts from following in the footsteps of our Lord’s earthly life to growing in our faith. We’ll see the readings become more topical and less seasonal. We’ll see a focus on growing in virtue…

Today is Trinity Sunday, the Feast of the Blessed Trinity, when we celebrate (as you probably guessed) the Holy Trinity! This is actually the latest major feast to show up on our Liturgical Calendar. In ancient times today would have been the Octave of Pentecost instead. In fact, our Collect, Epistle, and Gospel assigned for…

Main Text: Acts 2 Today is the Feast of Pentecost, traditionally known as Whitsunday or Whitsun in Anglican circles, especially among folks who (like us) use one of the older forms of the Book of Common Prayer. As Lillie pointed out in your bulletin, this traditional name is a contraction of “White Sunday,” which is…

We continue WH Griffith-Thomas’ “Methods of Bible Study” with Chapter 8, Christ in the Old Testament, in which we talk about prophecies, types, Christ in ritual, and why the OT is still relevant.. Apologies for the gap in the audio! A phone call kicked me off the software for a second! Week 1 Week 2…

Frs. Isaac and Barry are ready for Rose Sunday Texts: Isaiah 66, Galatians 4, John 6 Today is the fourth Sunday in Lent, often called Laetare Sunday, from the Latin word for “Rejoice,” which comes from today’s Introit, a text from Isaiah 66 and Psalm 122: Rejoice ye with Jerusalem: and be ye glad for…

PRESS RELEASE: Messiah in the Passover Demonstration MESSIAH IN THE PASSOVER, a vivid and exciting demonstration showing how Jesus fulfilled the ancient feast of Passover will be held on April 6, 2019 at 2:00pm at All Saints Anglican Church. MESSIAH IN THE PASSOVER will be conducted by Dr. Alan Shore of Chosen People Ministries. Chosen People Ministries is…

Text: Luke 2:22-40, Malachi 3:1-5, Exodus 12, Leviticus 12 Even among those who are cradle Anglicans and have used the traditional Book of Common Prayer for their entire lives, there is a service, just past the halfway point in the book, that most of us have never seen “in the wild,” as it were. This…

Audio from Week 3 of our Study of WH Griffith-Thomas’ classic book Methods of Bible Study, in which we cover his chapter on the Old Testament, including Christ in the Old Testament and some ways to categorize the Old Testament for chronological and contextual studies. Week 1 of our Study Week 2 of our Study  

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