We conclude last week’s discussion on the Propers with a few case studies on the themes of the Propers. We then discuss the cycle of Feasting and Fasting in the Book of Common Prayer. Week 1: History and a Bird’s-Eye View Week 2: Morning Prayer Week 3: Evening Prayer, Family Prayer, and the Great Litany…
According to the American 1928 Book of Common Prayer, 1940 Hymnal, and St. Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter Opening Hymn: #415 “Jesus, Lover of my Soul” Morning Prayer Begins on Page 3, BCP Venite (Page 9, BCP; Page 325, St. Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter) Psalms 102:15-end (Page 465, BCP; Page 141, Psalter); 146 (Page 522, BCP; Page 211,…
Opening Hymn: #151 “Awake, my Soul” Morning Prayer Begins on Page 3, BCP Venite (Page 9, BCP; Page 325, St. Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter) Psalm 145 (Page 520, BCP; Page 209, Psalter) 1st Lesson: Jeremiah 31:1-14 1st Canticle: Te Deum (Page 10, BCP; Page 351, Psalter) 2nd Lesson: 1 Peter 5:5-11 (Page 192, BCP) 2nd Canticle:…
Holy Communion: Pages 67-71 (Celebrated North End for the Sake of the Video) Collect, Epistle, Gospel (Nativity of St. John the Baptist): Pages 242-244 Bidding Prayer: Pages 47-48 Concluding Collect: Page 49 Benediction: Page 84
Opening Hymn: #273 “Holy God we Praise Thy Name” Morning Prayer Begins on Page 3, BCP Venite (Page 9, BCP; Page 325, St. Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter) Psalms 15, 19 (Pages 357, 363, BCP; Pages 14, 21, Psalter) 1st Lesson: Job 31:13-28 1st Canticle: Te Deum (Page 10, BCP; Page 351, Psalter) 2nd Lesson: 1 John…
We continue our series on the relationship between Israel and the Church and between the Old and New Testaments with a discussion of OT worship, the Synagogue System, and how it evolves into the Church’s worship. Week 1: Introduction Week 2: Two Perspectives
Opening Hymn: #352 “Crown Him with Many Crowns” Morning Prayer: Begins on p. 5, BCP Venite w/Ascension Antiphon: pp. 8-9, BCP (pp. 324-325, St. Dunstan’s) Psalm 24: pp. 368-369, BCP (pp. 28-29, St. Dunstan’s) 1st Lesson: Isaiah 33:5-6, 17, 20-22 1st Canticle: Te Deum pp. 10-11, BCP (pp. 351-352, St. Dunstan’s) 2nd Lesson: John 15:26-16:4…
Opening Hymn: #101 “O Jesus Crowned with all Renown” Venite w/Easter Antiphon at the beginning (pp8-9 in the BCP; p325 in St. Dunstan’s) Psalm: 67 (pp418-419 in the BCP; pp85-86 in St. Dunsan’s) OT Lesson: OT Lesson: Ezekiel 34:25-end 1st Canticle: Te Deum (pp10-11 in the BCP; pp351-352 in St. Dunstan’s) NT Lesson: NT Lesson:…