Opening Hymn: #107 “Hail Thee Festival Day” Morning Prayer: Begins on p. 5, BCP Venite w/Whitsunday Antiphon: pp. 8-9, BCP (pp. 324-325, St. Dunstan’s) Psalm 145: pp. 520-521, BCP (pp. 209-211, St. Dunstan’s) 1st Lesson: Joel 2:28-32 1st Canticle: Te Deum pp. 10-11, BCP (pp. 351-352, St. Dunstan’s) 2nd Lesson: Acts 2:1-11 pp. 180-181, BCP…
Opening Hymn: #396 “The Church’s One Foundation” Inviatory Anthem: Venite w/Easter Antiphon (pp. 8-9, BCP) Psalm: 113 (p. 484, BCP) OT Lesson: 1 Samuel 2:1-10 1st Canticle: Te Deum (pp. 10-11, BCP) NT Lesson: 1 Peter 2:11-18 (p. 173, BCP) 2nd Canticle: Benedictus (p. 14, BCP) Collect of the Day: Easter 3 (p. 173, BCP) Closing Hymn: #537…
Text: Ephesians 1:15-23 Earlier this week I was reading an article that recommended five books that every pastor should own and regularly use. A surprising entry on the list was the parish or church directory. You see, part of a pastor’s duty is to pray, and especially to pray for his flock. In fact, I’m…
Text: John 16:23-28, 33 Today is Rogation Sunday, from the Latin word that means “prayer” or “asking” based on Our Lord’s statement at the beginning of today’s Gospel: “Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.” Sometimes we forget that the English word “pray” has its roots in an…