In which we discuss Articles XXXI and XXXII of the 39 Articles of Religion, covering the relationship between Christ’s once-for-all sacrifice and Holy Communion, and the clerical marriage/celibacy.   Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8 Week 4: Articles 9-15 Week 5: Articles 15-16 Week 6: Article 17 Week 7:…

In which we continue our discussion about the Lord’s Supper as we discuss Articles XXVIII, XXIX, and XXX, “Of the Lord’s Supper,” “Of the Wicked Which Eat Not the Body of Christ in the Use of the Lord’s Supper,” and “Of Both Kinds” Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8…

In which we continue our discussion of Article XXVIII by defining the boundaries of the Lord’s Supper and discussing worthy reception of it. Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8 Week 4: Articles 9-15 Week 5: Articles 15-16 Week 6: Article 17 Week 7: Articles 18-20 Week 8: Articles 21-22…

In which we continue our discussion of sacramental theology in the 39 Articles of Religion as we discuss the Sacrament of Baptism, and introduce the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Articles 27-28.   Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8 Week 4: Articles 9-15 Week 5: Articles 15-16 Week 6: Article…

In which we discuss Articles 25 and 26 of the 39 Articles of Religion, discussing Anglican sacramental theology, and effect on the sacraments of unworthy ministers.   Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8 Week 4: Articles 9-15 Week 5: Articles 15-16 Week 6: Articles 17 Week 7: Articles 18-20…

In which we discuss Articles 23-25, “Of Ministering in the Congregation,” “Of Speaking in the Congregation in Such a Tongue as the People Understandeth,” and an introduction to “Of the Sacraments.” Week 1: Articles 1-3 Week 2: Articles 4-6 Week 3: Articles 7-8 Week 4: Articles 9-15 Week 5: Articles 15-16 Week 6: Article 17…

In which we conclude our discussion on holy orders. Guest background chatter from Fr. Isaac’s 4-year-old daughter who came to catechesis! The Catechism Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16…

In which we discuss the rite of Confirmation, how it relates to Holy Communion, and how it differs from the Laying on of Hands at Ordination. The Catechism Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week…

  In which we discuss what it means for the Church to be One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic; and then begin a discussion on Confirmation. The Catechism Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14…

The continuation of our discussion of the diocesan Catechism of the Anglican Diocese of the West. We briefly discuss the the “sacraments” of the Church and how they differ from the Dominical Sacraments. The Catechism Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10…

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