In which we discuss the significance of belief, God’s Fatherhood, Sovereignty, the Sonship of Christ, and some Theophanies. The Catechism Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
In which we discuss the New Testament as a whole, with sidebars on Gospel Harmonizations, Bible Translations, and the Authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Text: Luke 2:22-40, Malachi 3:1-5, Exodus 12, Leviticus 12 Even among those who are cradle Anglicans and have used the traditional Book of Common Prayer for their entire lives, there is a service, just past the halfway point in the book, that most of us have never seen “in the wild,” as it were. This…
Week 4 of our study of the Confirmation Catechism for the Anglican Diocese of the West, in which we sing an adaptation of the Te Deum, discuss the Apostles’ Creed, the Holy Trinity, what it means to believe “in God,” and (again) touch on Election. The Catechism Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Audio from Week 3 of our Study of WH Griffith-Thomas’ classic book Methods of Bible Study, in which we cover his chapter on the Old Testament, including Christ in the Old Testament and some ways to categorize the Old Testament for chronological and contextual studies. Week 1 of our Study Week 2 of our Study
Text: John 2:1-11 Today is the third Sunday after Epiphany, and we look at the final event commemorated in the ancient Epiphany celebrations: Jesus’ first miracle at the Wedding of Cana. Last week we talked about one of the most important events in our Christian lives that many of us do not remember: our baptisms….
Week 3 of our study of the Catechism of the Diocese of the West, an adaptation of the traditional catechism from the classical editions of the Book of Common Prayer, in which we discuss the vows made at our baptisms, how we become Christians, and how we grow in the Faith. Unfortunately, we started late,…
January 23, 2019 Epiphany No clergy, catechist, lay reader, or guest preacher is permitted to preach “prosperity gospel” in the Diocese of the West(CANA). Bishop Felix Orji, OSB. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. As your Bishop, I must address some important matters relative to our Diocese and ask that…
Week 2 from our Sunday classes on W.H. Griffith-Thomas’ book, Methods of Bible Study. This week we continue our discussion from Chapter 1 on “sacerdotal excess” and “rationalistic defect,” followed by a discussion of the Bible as a whole, focusing on its variety, unity, and symmetry. Week 1 can be found here.
Text: Mark 1:1-11 How many of you remember your own baptism? Some of you do. Many of you don’t. I don’t remember mine, though I do know that it was on March 17, 1979, St. Patrick’s Day. Chances are, if it hadn’t been on a holiday, I wouldn’t know that off the top of my…